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SSL certificates

We offer SSL certificates that we consider the best in terms of value for money. The prices of certificates depend on the issuing authority, the included services, and the type of verification.
Single SSL
to one domain name
Wildcard SSL
to one domain with subdomains
Egy domain név www és www nélküli változatához DV (Domain ownership validation) ellenőrzést biztosít.

Standard DV

17.28 EUR+ VAT / 1 year
DV level
Domain Validation

True BusinessID

87.7 EUR+ VAT / 1 year
OV level
Organization Validation
site seal
Provides control for a specific domain name and all its subdomains.

True BusinessID Wildcard

158.46 EUR+ VAT / 1 year
OV level
Organization Validation
site seal

True BusinessID EV

339.6 EUR+ VAT / 1 year
EV level
Extended Validation
site seal
Secure communication is usually indicated by browsers in the address bar with the "https://" prefix or a small lock icon.

What is a web SSL certificate and why is it needed?

  • Secure data communication
  • Credibility
  • Visitors appreciate your commitment to security
  • Search engines (e.g., Google, Bing, etc.) favorably rank secure websites
  • Effective against phishing and online scams
By using web certificates, visitors to our website can establish a secure connection, commonly known as an HTTPS connection, with the web server. In this way, visitors can ensure that they are indeed visiting the intended website, and the communication is incomprehensible and unusable for third parties in case of eavesdropping.

What verification levels exist and why do they matter?

At higher levels of control, there is more to do and the lead time is longer.


Domain validation:

Only validates domain ownership . A verification email is sent to domain contact. It is the fastest verification, usually completed within minutes.


Organization Validation:

A higher level of verification compared to domain validation. The applying organization undergoes verification, and the certificate includes the name of the issuing authority and the applying organization. Issuance takes 1-2 days.


Extended validation:

Information regarding the company is checked and the certificate request must be verified over the phone. The highest level of verification Issuance takes 1-10 days.

Renew SSL certificate

To renew an SSL certificate purchased from our company, our system will automatically send you a fee request according to the current list price. No special order is required.

Currently we recommend Sectigo and GeoTrust SSL certificates, but if you use a certificate from another authority (e.g. RapidSSL), we will maintain it after the fee is paid. If you wish to switch to Sectigo, please let our support team know.

Renewal fees
SSL type
Validation level
Renew fee
Sectigo Standard
17.28 EUR+ VAT / 1 year
2.84 EUR+ VAT / 1 year
RapidSSL Wildcard
2.84 EUR+ VAT / 1 year
GeoTrust - True BusinessID
87.7 EUR+ VAT / 1 year
GeoTrust - True BusinessID Worldwide
339.6 EUR+ VAT / 1 year
GeoTrust - True BusinessID EV
158.46 EUR+ VAT / 1 year